Meaning: Lake | Pronunciation: [lock]
Far from any town or village, the village of Loch lies near the Western seaboard of the continent. Despite their distance from Crater Lake, Loch still can experience some light flooding if there is an unusual amount of rain in a particular season. Due to this spontaneous flooding, all the houses of Loch are raised from the ground on wooden posts. Every citizen also keeps a pair of thin wooden board shoes to help trek through the wilderness when a flood hits, as it become very hard (and miserable) to walk in a swampy landscape.
Since there is almost no life living on land, the people of Loch rely heavily on the fish in the ocean to feed themselves. The closest forest to Loch is a long trek south of the village. The forest is an essential resource for the people of Loch, which is why so much effort was spend making a naturally raised road that spans the whole distance between Loch and the southern forest.
The landscape surrounding Loch is one of the flattest landscapes on the continent, making it very easy to navigate. Most days are clear, except in rainy seasons when fog can cut visibility down to a couple of feet for days at a time. While fog does not seem like an exceptionally dangerous threat, any traveler who does not know how to traverse this area can die of starvation if they are lost during a fog wave. Those naive to travel into the land surrounding Loch without following a road can enter some of the most dangerous land in the continent. Meanwhile, those who choose to use the road generally have the safest part of their journey in this land.
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