Meaning: Fly | Pronunciation: [eh-tilt]
Able to fit its whole body, from tail to beak, inside the average palm of an Umana's hand, the Eitilt is a very small bird with extraordinary capabilities. One of the fastest creatures alive, Eitilt are ferocious eaters that constantly strip vegetation of any flower, nectar, and sometimes even roots. These creatures are nearly silent and imperceptible from a distance. Due to their small size, Eitilt usually fly higher to avoid any predators. They only fly down when they need to eat, dive-bombing at the target food. The whole body of an Eitilt is built for speed, thus giving it a slim, cone-like shape going from a pointy beak to the tail.
What the creature gains in speed, it lacks in durability. Eitilt are very fragile creatures, and any damage to the tail, wings, or feet of the bird could mess up how it flies. It is believed that Eitilt survive so well because no predator can catch it, and any scarcity of food can be easily solved by flying to another region within a days notice.
The Eitilt do fly in disjointed flocks. When traveling to a new region, Eitilt tend to fly together until they reach that region, and spread off into their own territories. Their inherent knowledge of vast amounts of land is usually attributed to their speed. It is suspected that most Eitilt never stay in the same place for very long and that it might not be unusual for one Eitilt to visit every part of a continent within a year's time.
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