Pronouns: he/him | Pronunciation: [jock-sir]
Life Aspects
36 years old
Master swordsfighter
Guardian of Loch
Terrible student
Loves attention
Pretends to not be motivated
Kind in the weirdest ways
Not particularly set up for success, Joxer started out his life as a terrible student. He did have a passion for swordfighting, and he was destined to become a guardian of Loch as it was the path he had chosen, but he simply didn't agree with the way he was being taught. The result of his circumstances was a constant disruption to his teammates and a slew of disrespectful comments he occasionally slung at anyone who though he was different. As long as Joxer could grab the attention of others through failures, he kept on intentionally making mistakes.
Everyone was blind to Joxer's independent studies he performed outside the time everyone else learned. Joxer was very committed to sword fighting, and when he eventually lost everyone's attention from doing poorly, he took the opposite approach by becoming the best. Within a short time period, Joxer became the hopeless student to the most promising. By showing his lack of commitment but still excelling at the practice, Joxer became the most infuriating student in the whole class. No one could deny his skills, and everyone was annoyed by his no-practice appearance.
When Joxer finally became a full fledged guardian of Loch, he performed his duties admirably. Ocassionally when Thymos bandits would try to raid Loch, he fought them off as the leader of the guardians. There was a time when Joxer was appreciated by all the people of Loch. Eventually that appreciation waned as his duty started to become the norm and less of the exception.
Looking for attention elsewhere, Joxer decided to stay in Thymos for a time. He was initially pushed away for his obvious ties to Loch, but eventually became more respected as he showed off his sword fighting skills. Although he was never accepted by Thymosians, he was tolerated. Joxer would have moved on from the lack of attention given by Thymos until Auden showed up and nearly bested him. This event shook Joxer as he never had someone so talented become so angry. For better or for worse, Joxer appreciated Auden's attention which eventually led to a friendship and then an irreplaceable relationship.
When they had their first and only child Mia, Joxer wanted to teach her sword fighting but was always bested by Auden who convinced Mia blacksmithing was more interesting. Joxer never resented Mia for having a better connection with her mother than him, but he did secretly wish he could be more involved in Mia's life.
At the time Mia turned seven, tensions between Loch and Thymos grew. Auden and Joxer wanted to find a way to stay with Mia, but it soon became obvious that this was not possible. As long as they were present, Mia would be in danger. Rather than trying to run away with Mia, they severed all ties with her. The hope is that if Joxer and Auden cut all associations with Mia, people might forget Auden's direct descendant to the traitor of Thymos.
Joxer and Auden ran away to the Liminal Forest where they waited, hoping to eventually reunite with Mia when she was big enough to protect herself.
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