A History of Magic
There exists two types of magic that define all others: Atheagru and Taisteal. Following the same ideology as the Schools of Reasoning, magic is the manipulation of matter which covers all nature, science, and technology. Magic did originate on Domhain but was lost with an ancient civilization. The only known remnants of the unknown ancient civilization are at the Last Stand Ruins. Multiple artifacts exist in the underground warehouse beneath the ruins that contain devices capable of performing some type of Atheagru or Taisteal magic. Only one Umana, Lin, has ever dared explore the Last Stand Ruins on year 600 day 140. When they went down the well located at the middle of the ancient town, they discovered an underground warehouse of decaying technology. This underground warehouse is where Lin found the Last Hope artifact. After discovering how to unlock the device, Lin was the first Umana gifted with Taisteal magic.
In year 600 day 135, only five days before Lin discovered the underground warehouse, two Comptana scouts went down the well of Last Stand Ruins and found undeniable proof of potential interstellar technology. The two scouts took many artifacts in hopes that the evidence would be enough to sway command of their decision to terriform Domhain while simultaneously studying the technology to prepare for the worst case scenario of being ignored.
When the Comptana commanders finally make the decision to release the terraforming bomb on year 600 day 160, they had not properly predicted the effects that this bomb would have on Umana. Over the next year not all Umana would decay as expected but instead the bomb awakened Atheagru magic within the Umana that had been lying dormant for a very long time. A new race of Umana would be born from the dust of the bomb known as the Scath: shadows of a former self.
After the events of the Unintentional Calamity, Mith, Myrian, and Lin will lead a group of people (mainly Scath) to found the School of Magic. This school is still considered to be a School of Reasoning, but has intentionally distanced itself from all other schools after observing the vast amount of corruption and influence the town of Saol and specifically Lorcan have had on the Schools of Reasoning. Additionally, Iris is still a wasteland from the terrabomb and rather rebuild upon a painful past, Mith and Myrian wish to find a new place to found a village with the same ideals upheld before.
As time moves on from the Unintentional Calamity, eventually all Umana and Scath will learn Atheagru and Taisteal magic making these abilities commonplace. With this new transformation in abilities, Umana will start labeling themselves as Humanas, rather than Umana, to acknowledge the great change that occured after the Unintentional Calamity. Since everyone will share these new abilities, magic becomes an integrated part of society with the School of Magic leading innovations that will eventually propel both Humans and Scath into another interstellar age.
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