Kaire Cliffs
Pronunciation: [k-eye-ree]
Some of the largest cliffs in all of Domhain are found at the Kaire Cliffs. The settlers of Loch named these cliffs after the woman who led the initial group of Umana who set up what is now the town hall. History points to a specific story that takes place generations ago explaining how the founding of Loch came to be.
The origins of Loch actually do not exist around Crater Lake, but instead in Thymos. Back in the early years of Thymos, the city was constantly fighting to survive. Modarians, who had been living in the western canyons centuries before, did not like their new neighbors. The people of Thymos learned quickly of the caves scattered throughout the tundra, taking advantage of their natural resources for their own personal defense.
Kaire grew up in the middle of this conflict, with the people of Modara constantly trying to remove Thymos from the tundra. Due to the intense wartime, most people of Thymos focused on mining and forging armor and weapons. Few people would be assigned to hunt in the south and scavenge in the east near the canyons for whatever food they could find. Although life was tough, it was the freedom everyone in Thymos desired.
Throughout the years of an extended war, Kaire was trained as a blacksmith by her parents. As she gained new skills, invented new weapons, and expanded her craft, the people of Thymos quickly transitioned from becoming the hunted to the hunters. While Kaire mastered the craft of blacksmithing, the people of Thymos mastered the craft of war. It wasn't long before Kaire was known as the best blacksmith in the north. It was only a matter of time until the village of Thymos started attacking the Modarians.
One day the village leaders of Thymos decided to wipe out the village of Modara to end the threat once and for all. Everyone in Thymos was recruited for the invasion, including Kaire. The battle lasted less than a day, with the Modarians declaring defeat before sunset. The leaders of Thymos wanted to execute all of the Modarian's so they could never hurt anyone again, but Kaire disagreed. In protest, Kaire declared she would leave the village walking away before the leaders could protest her decision. To the leaders' surprise, most of the village followed her. That very night, Kaire's followers gathered their belongings and set out for what is now known as Loch.
It would not be until years later that the leaders of Thymos would seek revenge for their thwarted attempt to knock out the Modarians once and for all. One night, an elite group of fighters approached the newly established town hall of Loch, and demanded that Kaire was handed over. With much protest of the villagers of Loch, Kaire agreed to follow the fighters. They took her to the cliffs south of Loch to throw her off the cliffs with no chance of survival. Kaire attempted to escape but could not overpower so many fighters, leading to her inevitable fate at the bottom of the cliff.
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