Farreach Bridge

Recent History

In an attempt to boost trade and provide safe travel to distance continents the School of Technology has developed plans to build the Farreach Bridge. If such a feat was accomplished, trade would be open to all traders, not just those who can afford to travel across The Great Scar. Unfortunately, this project has been in development for generations with no successful attempts. Every time the bridge is built to the center of The Great Scar, a storm tends to damage the bridge beyond repair. The result of these failures are many unfinished bridges of varying length that now serve as a landmark when traders are trying to find Saol’s port.

When an Umana refers to the Farreach Bridge, they usually mean the concept. Some people do use the Farreach Bridge failures as a location for trade, but this is uncommon. All the failure and lost lives have built these abandoned bridges’ reputation for being a bad omen, damning any trade that occurs on the bridge.

Future Development

The creation of the Farreach Bridge is eventually a success, but only when Humana and Scath from the School of Magic in collaboration with the School of Technology collectively build an artifact powerful enough to finish its creation. After decades of storing energy into the One Architect, and countless tests to ensure proper structural integrity, the School of Magic was able to construct parts of the bridge all at once rather than building it out stone by stone. After incrementally building each part of the bridge, the three main Western continents of Domhain were joined increasing trade and collaboration between continents.

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