PART I: The Discovery
600.140-1 (Chapter 1)
Chelsen continues cartography efforts on top of meeting Mith's expectations. At night Chelsen discovers Volida's peak and Myrian and Volida's old house.
Myrian gets closer with Mith at the night's bonfire.
Myrian explains the history of Volida's Peak and Mith's past at night.
600.145 (Chapter 2)
Lorcan attempts to stop Saol's expansion citing Lin's lack of attention as reason to not expand their further.
Lin starts obsessing over quietly learning the secrets of Last Hope drawing them away from their duties.
Comptana find a way to manipulate the energy within the Last Stand Ruin's ancient technology. The capabilities are beyond even what the Comptana can do.
600.147-8 (Chapter 3)
Chelsen discoveries mystery in Volida's Peak, more specifically a tree that ancient Umana used to create Volida's Peak.
Chelsen takes home a Atheagru artifact completely unaware of its power. His constant contact with the object starts attuning him to Atheagru magic. He searches for answers about what the artifact could do.
600.160 (Chapter 4)
Comptana scouts protest the launching of the bomb, but are ignored.
Terraforming bomb is launched at Domhain, specifically at Frelia.
Other concerned Comptana notice corruption and report their race to Galatic Law for investigation.
Chelsen notices the terrabomb falling from the sky, unsure of what he saw.
Chelsen visits the shrine in Volida's Peak and accidentally absorbs some residual energy of the Atheagru magic contained within the shrine.
A Planda follows Chelsen to the shrine only to be scared and run away.
Most of Frelia is infected during the night.
Tipper notices the terraforming bomb. She quickly talks to the Modaran council, they decide to close their borders to avoid conflict.
Mia notices the terraforming bomb along with other Thymosians. The village quickly comes to the conclusion that Modara has something to do with this. Mia helps Thymosians prepare for a preemptive strike.
600.162 (Chapter 5)
Thymosians attempt to invade Modara but fail terribly. Modaran's have already put up their defences and are not allowing anyone in or out for the time being.
Modara council sends out a messenger to Loch to warn of potential Thymosian invasion.
Lin quietly starts using the resources from the School of Technology to assist in understanding the Last Hope artifact.
Saol is updated on the current situation on the northern side of the continent.
600.165 (Chapter 6)
Comptana commanders monitor terraforming bomb and are satisfied with the initial results.
Main ship leaves the solar system.
Comptana Scouts know how this will end so they steal a scouting ship and go next to Volida's Peak in search of a way to reverse engineer terrabomb.
Chelsen notices the Comptana scout's ship thinking it is a meteor. Asks more about the phenomenon to the Master of the Skies. They have no answer.
Modara sees the Comptana scout ship "meteor" and continue to close their borders for fear of another attack.
Thymos see the "meteor" and decide to demand answers from Loch, assuming they have the answers.
Loch sees the "meteor" and stays on high alert assuming Thymos will antagonize them.
Chelsen encounters the Planda from before that has become infected.
600.170 (Chapter 7)
Comptana scouts set up a field of operations near Volida's Peak and start tests to see if they can reverse the effects of the terraforming bomb. Initial tests fail.
Comptana scouts do not dare venture out for fear of making the situation worse by showing Umana they are present.
Most people of Frelia are already dead.
The villager Litir of Frelia delivers the message that most Frelians are dying and runs back to see if he can help his people.
600.174 (Chapter 7)
Chelsen finally gets a day off to investigate the phenomenon. Runs towards Volida's Peak again and finds plague spreading slowly. Becomes infected.
The same night Chelsen visits Myrian to see if she has answers.
Loch finds a group of Thymosian warriors trying to sneak into town and captures them and holds them as prisoners.
Loch outlaws Thymosians for the foreseeable future.
600.175 (Chapter 8)
Chelsen and Myrian start showing symptoms of the infections (giant bruises). Myrian has no answers as to what is going on.
Mith takes care of Myrian as she is affected more than Chelsen.
All of Iris is infected.
Chelsen decides to leave that night in hopes of finding answers in Frelia since no one in Iris can help.
600.176 (Chapter 8)
Chelsen's symptoms worsen, he has a hard time traveling long distances. Manages to make it over Volida's Peak and back down but cannot continue onward.
Comptana find Chelsen and use him a specimen trying to stop the plague. They find the same energy signature in him as they did in the artifact. Comptana attempt to use the artifact to heal Chelsen but are initially ineffective.
600.178 (Chapter 9)
Chelsen's symptoms get even worse. He is on the brink of death.
Comptana make a breakthrough by placing the artifact in direct contact with Chelsen's skin. His body slowly heals.
Most people of Iris are showing symptoms. Myrian is dead leaving Mith to care for the rest of Iris as he himself slowly starts dying. Mith considers going out to find Chelsen.
600.179 (Chapter 9)
Mith sets out to find Chelsen as his infection slowly gets worse.
600.184 (Chapter 9)
Everyone from Iris is dead and decaying. Mith only makes it halfway to Volida's Peak.
600.214 (Chapter 10)
Lin finally unlocks the Last Hope artifact and discovers Taisteal magic.
Lin tells the Saol council they are going on vacation to Modara and goes to the forest West of Last Stand Ruins to explore his new power without fear of hurting anyone or being hurt by anyone.
Lorca takes the opportunity to kill the housing expansion project and cites incompetence of the other council members taking even more power and popularity.
600.231 (Chapter 11)
The Comptana closely monitor Chelsen's progress as he heals. The data is invaluable as they understand how to potentially stop the terrabomb with Atheagru magic.
600.240 (Chapter 11)
Chelsen wakes up fully healed from the terrabomb and possesses Atheagru magic.
Comptana attempt to communicate with Chelsen but fail, only making Chelsen hullicinate.
600.241 (Chapter 11)
Chelsen escapes from Comptana and returns to Iris only to find almost everyone gone or decaying.
Chelsen takes whatever he can find remaining of his village and sleeps there for the night.
600.242 (Chapter 12)
Chelsen returns to the Comptana grief stricken. Let's them experiment as they try to communicate.
The plague has stayed well contained in the mountain range up until this point, at which it has started to have small individual cases slowly spreading in the wilderness.
600.260 (Chapter 12)
Comptana and Chelsen continue to try to communicate until they finally learn his language (through directly stimulating his brain with electrical signals).
Comptana do a knowledge drop of the Comptana's history, their knowledge, and the current situation at hand.
Chelsen starts training to reverse the effects of the terrabomb.
Lin masters Taisteal magic.
600.274 (Chapter 13)
Lin starts traveling to Modara to visit his parents and Tipper.
600.274 (Chapter 14)
Chelsen successfully learns how to reverse the effects and sets out North to look for outbreaks in other villages.
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