School of Nature

To no one’s surprise, the school of nature was the first to exist. This school is purely observational, defining the consistent patterns in nature. The people of Domhain know more about plant life cycles, migrations of animals, and ecosystems because of this school. People who join the school of nature typically do not wish to meddle in the affairs of others, but rather watch from a distance. Nature is considered to be sacred and not to be meddled with if true observation is to be taken. The guidelines surrounding what should and should not happen to nature are defined by this school. Students from the School of Science tend to be annoyed by students from the School of Nature, as it is the responsibility for the School of Nature to set limits on ethical guidelines. While there is a deeply held belief that everything is interconnected by a single point, different schools like to avoid this belief if it furthers their own research. If someone asks a student if they are “from Nature,” they are typically asking if they study nature (not if they grew up in nature).

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